🧠 What is Quivr ?
🧱 Build your second brainsA Brain in Quivr is an advanced knowledge system designed to integrate and leverage information from various sources.
  • 📁 Knowledge Integration
    Connect to and pull data from various platforms like Google Drive Google Drive,SharePoint SharePoint, and Dropbox Dropbox. You can also incorporate data from URLs and files.
  • 🤖 AI Models
    Utilize powerful models such as GPT and Mistral to process and understand the integrated knowledge.
  • 🔧 Customization
    Tailor the behavior of your Brain with custom prompts and settings, such as max tokens, to better suit your needs.

You can also share your brains with other Quivr users, allowing them to access and benefit from your knowledge systems. 🤝

🤖 Talk to AI Models

Quivr allows you to interact directly with AI models such as GPT-4 and Mistral. Simply start a conversation with the AI to get answers and support based on a broad range of data and knowledge. 🤖✨

🎯 Select assistant

Press @ to choose the AI model or the Brain you want to interact with.
